5 Benefits to Hiring People with Disabilities

According to the CDC, 26% of adults in the United States have some type of disability, with the largest percentage of people with disabilities living in the South. When it comes to employment, 7 out of 10 people with disabilities are unemployed. It’s crucial that employers hire more inclusively and allow people with disabilities the same employment opportunities as people without disabilities.

Disabled people have long been excluded from the workforce, and sometimes receive less than minimum wage for their work. With new initiatives on the rise, like the Subminimum Wage Bill and Employment First, more employers and states are making necessary changes to create more inclusive workplaces and offer fair pay to people with disabilities. As an employer, you should, too.

Hiring people with disabilities is a mutually beneficial relationship. There are many people with disabilities who are eager to work and just have not had the chance to work a meaningful job.

Here are 5 benefits to hiring people with disabilities. 

Infographic describing 5 benefits to hiring people with disabilities.

Infographic describing 5 benefits to hiring people with disabilities.

Inclusive hiring is a vital step for businesses looking to level up and improve their workplace culture, and their business as a whole. For more resources on how to find qualified applicants with disabilities, visit https://www.shrm.org/?_ga=2.193832612.882997199.1623452372-1871757873.1621420879 or hiremesc.org/employer-resource.

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