What Type of Job Opportunities Are There for Young Adults With a Disability?

Entering the workforce and making your own money is a source of pride and independence for many teenagers and young adults, including those with a disability. Many people with disabilities have been successful employees, despite the outdated culture of disability employment in South Carolina. Read some of their stories here

A young woman wearing a pink shirt, smiling and sitting in her wheelchair on a balcony. Photo by Crush Rush.

A young woman wearing a pink shirt, smiling and sitting in her wheelchair on a balcony. Photo by Crush Rush.

With new movements and legal efforts on the rise pushing for inclusive hiring practices across the country, employment with equal opportunity is possible for your young adult. When helping your family member with a disability find a job that is well-suited for them, you might feel overwhelmed. If you’re wondering what their employment rights are, what employment services are available for them, what transportation resources are out there, and more, visit our webpage for job seekers for help answering all of your questions.

The most important part of a job search for a person with a disability is to understand their individual needs, interests, and talents. Everyone deserves to have a job that is meaningful to them, regardless of their disability status. Talk to your family member and encourage them to volunteer and apply for jobs in fields they find interesting. 

The best kind of job for your young adult with a disability is one that they enjoy. Learn their employment rights — like Employment First — and the legislation surrounding disability employment from our job seekers’ resources page.